Central Java Regional Police Collaborate Community Hands Together to Anticipate Radical, Terrorism, Peaceful Election 2024

SEMARANG – Central Java Regional Police are intensifying outreach and educational appeals to the public regarding the dangers of spreading radical ideas and potential acts of terrorism ahead of the 2024 General Election, said Satake Bayu during a press release at the Central Java Regional Police Headquarters on Friday (22/9/2023).

The active participation of the community in monitoring and reporting suspicious activities of both individuals and groups is one of the keys to mitigating this threat.

“In this case, the people of Central Java should work together and be alert, building a joint defense against radicalism and terrorism which could disrupt the stability of the country,” said Satake Bayu to the media crew.

Highlighting the importance of educating the public regarding the potential of individuals or groups who may be affiliated in activities

_”The public can recognize indications or the potential for individuals or groups involved or affiliated with terrorist networks. Gercep can immediately provide information to the authorities or the nearest police post,” he added.”

The Central Java Regional Police is committed to providing protection and making the 2024 elections a success. Confirming that synergy between security forces and the community is a solid foundation in creating a safe and conducive, controlled environment.

_”This initiative is part of the Central Java Regional Police’s preventive strategy to ensure that the 2024 elections take place safely and smoothly. The hope is that awareness and active involvement of the community will become a strong wall to guard and maintain national stability and collective safety, including from the threat of terrorism, whether in action or through digitalization which can indirectly change people’s mindsets for various reasons. End of conversation.

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