Apakah Kamu sedang mencari Nama Playlist Spotify.? Nah, kebetulan sekali kamu mengunjungi website ini dalam artkel kali ini saya akan merekomendasikan beberapa nama playlist Spotify yang bagus untuk diri sendiri dan cocok untuk pacar juga.
Yuk.! Langsung saja baca ulasan lengkapnya yang sudah kami rangkum dalam artikel ini! Namun, pada dasarnya nama playlist Spotify dibedakan berdasarkan jenis lagu yang dappat kamu dengarkan.
Dan kumpulan lagu ini juga bisa dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa katagori sesuai kondisi saat kita ingin mendengarkannya.
Lebih lanjut, lagu di playlist yang sudah kamu buat maka kamu bisa membagikan ke publik ke publik melalui media sosial.
Dengan begitu, Para pengguna Spotify lainnya bisa mendengarkan lagu playlist kamu jika diizinkan.
Namun, sebelumnya kamu harus membuat nama playlist Spotify terlebih dahulu Agar bisa menarik perhatian orang lain, dan untuk nama playlist ini bebas asalkan yang bagus.
Langsung saja berikut adalah beberapa nama playlist Spotify aesthetic, Galau, Untuk Pacara, bahasa Indonesia, Rock, Untuk Diri sendiri, dan artinya yang layak untuk kamu gunakan.
Lihat Juga : Lirik Lagu Karna Su Sayang Versi Reggae Terbaru (Near, Dian Sorowea)
Ide Nama Playlist Spotify yang Aesthetic
Berikut ini adalah beberapa ide nama playlist aesthetic yang bagus bisa kamu tiru.
1. Misty Forest
2. Behind the Facade
3. Inside the Music
4. Feel Free
5. Pens and Papers
6. Lonely Together
7. Planting Flowers
8. New Moon
9. Nostalgia
10. Moonshine
11. Time for Memories
12. Missing Pieces
13. Closer to the Heart
14. Eastern Shore
15. Fox in the Snow
16. Morning Glory
17. Colors of Your Heart
18. Gold Skies
19. Under the Breeze
20. Misguided
21. Inner Alignment
22. Record Store
23. In Progress
24. Elegant Affairs
25. The World Becomes A Fantasy
26. Elevator Dance Party
27. The Soundtrack to Your Summer
28. Wolves In The Night
29. Heartbeats
30. The Quirkiest Dance Party In The World
31. When It’s Just Me And My Friends
32. Every Mood Imaginable
33. Deep Dark Secrets
34. Just Listen To The World Around You
35. Auditory Hallucination
36. Creating a New Self
37. Distorted Reality
38. Entering a Parallel Dimension
39. Songs That Made Me a Better Person
40. We’re Going to the Moon
41. Music That’ll Defrost Your Heart
42. If My Heart Had a Voice
43. Getting lost in what I love
44. We’re made of stardust
45. Escape the ordinary
46. Growing & Glowing
47. She wore moonlight like lingerie
48. Angel energy
49. Memories of love
50. Melting kisses
51. Holding hands
52. Flowers in my heart
Nama Playlist Spotify Untuk Pacar
Untuk Membuat nama playlist Spotify yang keren dan bagus memang sulit.
Biar kamu ada referensi, inilah rekomendasi nama playlist Spotify sebagai berikut :
53. Life as a Teenager
54. Positive Energy
55. Through the Tunnel
56. Drifting Away
57. Lights Off
58. First Choices
59. Flow State
60. Little Wonders
61. Hop3
62. Newest Finds
63. Ocean Drive
64. Battle of the Bands
65. Conversation Starters
66. My Things
67. Life’s a Breeze
68. Sense of Self
69. Escape Room
70. On the Bridge
71. Paris Lights
72. Midnight Crisis
73. In My Feelings
74. Shooting Star
75. Brighter Days
76. Underground Spotlight
77. What Happens on Earth Stays on Earth
78. Life Line
79. Airplane Mode
80. Astral traveling
81. Driving vocals
82. Nostalgic Journeys
83. A Playlist for Every Occasion
84. Music that Heals
85. Don’t Listen Unless Stable
86. Feelings and Other Stupid Things
87. That Rainy Day Feeling
88. Songs That Understand Me
89. Love scars
90. High Spirit Songs
91. Laugh Now Cry Later
92. Honestly, Nevermind
93. Music Vitamins
94. Sweet Distraction
95. Location Unknown
96. In My Headspace
97. Collection of Moments
98. Floating in Space
Ide Nama Playlist Spotify Bahasa Inggris
Jika sedang mencari rekomendasi nama playlist Spotify keren, kamu berada di tempat yang tepat.
Inilah sejumlah rekomendasi nama untuk playlist Spotify lagu pop yang biasa kamu dengarkan:
99. In Bed with a Poet
100. Makers and Shakers
101. D&D with the Geeks
102. In All Honesty
103. What I Learned
104. What She’s Having
105. Naked Monkeys
106. No Shade
107. In the Trenches
108. Fashionable Synth
109. Behind the Eyepatch
110. Green Sheep
111. Open for Business
112. Frightfully Frightful
113. What the Fleek?
114. Talk the Walk
115. Faux Fax
116. No One’s Listening
117. Dudes in a Garage
118. Reel Freaks
119. Grown Folk’s Business
120. What’s Trending?
121. We All Know Little
Nama Playlist Spotify Untuk Diri Sendiri
122. Nourish and Flourish
123. Talking Flicks
124. Faux Pop
125. Life Stories
126. Unseen
127. Talking $h*t
128. One Bored Student
129. Fetch-a-friend
130. In the Key of G
131. ESSENCE on air
132. 3rd and Long
133. The Talented Others
134. On the Verge
135. What’s the Word
136. Real Talk
137. Backcourt Pass
138. In My League
140. You’re Hired
141. Popcorn & a Shot
142. Get Busy
143. Vibe Tribe
144. Rant and Roll
145. Get Freaky
146. Daily Grit
147. No Small Parts
148. I’m With the DJ
Rekomendasi Nama Playlist Spotify Lucu
Tak hanya pantun jenaka saja yang bisa membuatmu tertawa.
Ide nama playlist Spotify lucu ini juga bakal mengocok perutmu:
149. I’m a child of the 80s
150. The talk with my mother
151. Songs that sound a bit like other songs
152. My Favorite Songs from My Childhood
153. The Ex Girlfriends Club
154. An Incomplete List of Songs I Love That You Probably Hate
155. Funny Rap Songs On Repeat
156. Yaaasssss Girl Yaaassss
157. I’m Laughing ‘Til I’m Crying 😭
158. Songs that make me ClowNn
159. If you like anxiety, you should try depression
160. Unfiltered and Unapologetic
161. Songs that will make you go WTF
162. My Favorite Trashy Pop Songs for When I’m Feeling Basic 💁🏻
163. Criminally Overlooked Tracks
164. The Angry Playlist If You’re Having a Bad Day 🙄😡
165. Dance to These If You Want To Get Fired
166. It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Wanna 🎉
167. Not Ashamed of My Love for These Songs
168. The party doesn’t start till I walk in
169. It’s rude it isn’t Friday
170. This senorita needs a margarita
171. I know I left my sanity around here somewhere
172. Born to express, not to impress
173. Music is cheaper than therapy
Nama Playlist Spotify Rock
174. There is no angry way to say bubbles
175. Drinks on me
176. I make pour 🍷 decisions
177. Half good music
178. Don’t be fancy, just get dancy
179. The best of the worst
180. Songs the PTA Complains About
181. Covering All Bass-es
182. I Swear I’m Not Drunk
183. Tea-holic
184. Songs I’m Embarrassed to Play in Front of My Friends
185. The Talk With My Mother
186. All That Jazz
187. I Think I Forgot My Inhaler
188. Songs I listen to Instead of Replying to My Friends
189. Keeping It Reel
190. Music I Listen to as My Life Crumbles Around Me
191. Pause for Dramatic Effect
192. Glee With a Twist
193. I Both Love and Hate These Songs
194. Off the Record
195. You Heard It Here Last
196. Music the Next Generation Will Roast Us For
197. Is Tea Just Leaf Soup?
198. Songs That Will Not Cure Depression
199. A Dad in a Bath
200. Ice Cream Over Six-Packs
201. Partners in Rhyme
202. Better Than the Star Wars Christmas Special
203. Music to Inspire Aliens so They’d Destroy Earth
Lihat Juga : Lirik Lagu Mars Hari Santri
Ide Nama Playlist Spotify dan Artinya
Untuk pencinta lagu sedih, ada beberapa nama playlist Spotify galau yang bisa dipakai.
Intip beberapa contoh nama untuk playlist Spotify di bawah ini:
204. Troubled Mind
205. Last Dance
206. Autumnal Dreams
207. A Tragic Romance
208. Sorry not Sorry
209. Life Goes On
210. Last Warning
211. Feeling Insecure
212. I’m Tired of Being Here
213. Lost on You
214. Endless Cycle
215. A Darker Kind of Goodbye
216. Losing Motivation
217. Opinion Rejected
218. Painful Peace
219. Far From Home
220. Losing my Grip
221. Memories of the Future
222. Lonely Summer
223. On the Edge
224. Weeping Willows
225. I Hope You Think of Me
226. Something’s Missing
227. Outer Darkness
228. False Pretences
229. In Solitude
230. Tap to feel Despair
231. A Playlist of Breakup Anthems
232. How I Deal With Being Single
233. Wake Up in the Morning and Your SO Isn’t Next to you
234. Sad Songs That Will Make you 😢
235. Tap to feel Despair
236. A Playlist of Breakup Anthems
237. The Most Depressing Songs Ever Recorded
238. When the butterflies in your stomach turn into bats 🦇 💀 👹
239. Crying in the Club
240. Picking up the Pieces While You’re Broken Hearted
241. Get Over Your Ex
242. Every Shade of Blue
243. Bad Trip
244. Blackest of Blacks
245. Feeling small and insignificant
246. Self-indulgent drama
247. When Life Gets Hard, Put on a Breakup Song or Ten
248. When Your Mom Says It’s Just Depression and to Get Over It
249. On the Verge of Panic Attacks and Anxiety
250. It’s Been a Rough Day
Cara Membuat Playlist Spotify
Berikut cara membuat playlist Spotify.
- Buka aplikasi Spotify di smartphone atau PC
- Kemudian, pilih menu “Library” dan klik tanda plus (+) yang ada di samping bar pencarian
- Buat nama playlist sesuai keinginan dan klik “Create”
- Setelah berhasil, kamu tinggal memasukkan lagu-lagu yang ingin didengar
Playlist Spotify untuk apa?
Playlist ini merupakan sarana tepat untuk memahami penggemar, relevansi musikmu, dan perkembangan jangkauanmu.
Apa artinya playlist Spotify?
Playlist Spotify adalah koleksi yang dibuat dalam platform musik Spotify.
Apakah playlist Spotify bisa private?
Ya. Kamu bisa mem-private playlist Spotify yang kamu buat.
Berapa batas playlist Spotify?
Playlist membatasi di layanan mereka hingga 10.000 lagu.