Netty Herawati. SE Journalist Indonesia: The Bali Police Chief Will Immediately Implement International SIMs for Foreigners

Bali Indonesia – Regarding the rise of Caucasians driving R2 R4 vehicles, this is very troubling, with the result that they do not comply with Indonesian traffic regulations.

Going out of the country is definitely everyone’s (tourist) dream, let alone trying to drive a foreign vehicle or a tourist destination vehicle. Where you have to be able to comply with rules such as one of them is an International Driving License (driving license).

Making an International SIM is quite easy and doesn’t take a long time as long as you complete the specified documents. In this case the Bali Police Chief Inspector General. Pol. Drs. Putu Jayan Danu Putra, S.H., M.Sc., fast response immediately imposed an international driver’s license for tourists/foreigners.

International SIM consists of 5 categories according to the needs of international SIM applicants: class A. Motorcycles (R2) class B R4 (8 passengers) class C motorized vehicles with a maximum weight of 3500kg, class D motorized vehicles with more than eight (8) passengers, Group E includes the 4 groups above.

Requirements for making a SIM:

  1. Original KTP / passport
  2. Valid SIM A and C
  3. Original book (foreigners only)
  4. Stamp
  5. Pas photo 4×6 = 3 sheets
  6. Have a regular SIM The validity period for an International SIM is different from a domestic SIM, a domestic SIM has a validity period of 5 years while an International SIM has a validity period of 3 years. The cost of making an International SIM according to government regulation No. 50 of 2010 concerning PNBP applicable to the Indonesian National Police for an International SIM is IDR 250,000 for a new SIM.
    Meanwhile, the international SIM extension is IDR 225,000. As for the enactment of an International SIM for foreigners in Bali:
  7. Creating a sense of security for Kamtibmas in Bali
  8. Detect foreign nationals who have residence permits, work visas, tourist visas, passports (to make data easier)
  9. Reducing problematic tourists / foreigners
  10. Assisting the police in the R2 R4 physical census that is used by vehicle tenants.
  11. The lessee must have a rental permit R2 R4. Regarding the viral news in several foreign media driving the R2 R4. “In this case the Bali Police is further improving performance, public speaking, English literacy and other countries for police personnel in the field. So that there is no miscommunication of misunderstandings about conveying to foreigners/tourists,” said Netti. Apart from being a journalist, Netti is also the Law Firm Dhifa Adista Justicia, a Bali representative. “Let us together create a conducive Bali where the media and the police become one unit,” concluded Netti. PresidentJokoWidodo KapolriListioSigit DivkorlantasMabesPolri KapoldaBali DirlantasPoldaBali (WE)

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